interCAD® Compare

Gerber, ODB++, Schematic and Layout Compare

Gerber Compare

Compare Gerber files with interCAD to check differences.
Highlight different area that compared Graphically,
Layer by Layer and show the result to check number of difference and which layer they are.

    Compare Options

  • Graphical

    Supportable Data Format

  • 274X Compare
  • gbr Compare
  • pho Compare

Schematic Compare


Compare Schematic designs with interCAD to check differences.
Highlight different area that compared Graphically, Sheet by Sheet,
Object Properties and show the result to check number of difference and which sheet they are.

    Compare Options

  • Graphical
  • Object Attributes
  • Partlist
  • Netlist

    Supportable Data Format

  • EDIF Schematic Compare
  • Allegro Design Entry HDL Compare
  • Altium Designer Schematic Compare
  • Board Station Design Architect Compare
  • OrCAD Capture Compare
  • PADS Designer Compare
  • PADS Pro Designer Compare
  • Xpedition Designer Compare
  • Zuken Schematic Compare

Layout Compare


Compare PCB Layouts with interCAD to check differences.
Highlight different area that compared Graphically, Layer by Layer,
Object Properties and show the result to check number of difference and which layer they are.

    Compare Options

  • Graphical
  • Object Attributes
  • Partlist
  • Netlist

    Supportable Data Format

  • Allegro PCB Designer Compare
  • Altium Designer Layout Compare
  • Board Station Layout Compare
  • PADS Layout Compare
  • PADS Pro Layout Compare
  • Xpedition Layout Compare
  • Zuken Layout Compare

ODB++ Compare

Compare ODB++ files with interCAD to check differences.
Highlight different area that compared Graphically, Layer by Layer,
Object Properties and show the result to check number of difference and which layer they are.

    Compare Options

  • Graphical
  • Object Attributes
  • Partlist
  • Netlist

    Supportable Data Format

  • ODB++ Compare
  • tgz pcb Compare

Compare All your ECAD data with interCAD Editor.

    Schematic Compare

  • Zuken Schematic
  • Xpedition Designer
  • PADS Designer
  • OrCAD Capture
  • EDIF Schematic
  • Altium Schematic

    PCB Layout Compare

  • Allegro PCB Design
  • Xpedition Layout
  • PADS Layout
  • Board Station Layout
  • Zuken Layout
  • Altium Layout

    CAM Compare

  • 274X Gerber
  • ODB++
interCAD® Registation

interCAD® Registation account can be created only to customers who purchased the interxsoft product,
If there is no product purchase history of interxsoft it will reject the account registration.