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Subject interCAD® Application Release Notes - Mar 14 2021
Support Team 2021-03-16 04:40
interCAD® Application Release Notes - Mar 14 2021
Support Team
2021-03-16 04:40
Program     : interCAD® Series
Version       : 2020.21Q1
Build Date : Mar 14 2021

interCAD Editor
- Update Import Zuken Layout Mesh Plane module. 
- Improvement Set Origin function speed.
- Import Board Station Layout PAD bug fix.
- Fixed invisible some Import Xpedition Layout Fill bug.
- Added Autorun Command (HOME>Display>Black Scheme).
- Regard as an error when Autorun Import failure.
- Move Origin module bug fix.
- Improvement Set Origin function speed.
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interCAD® Registation

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If there is no product purchase history of interxsoft it will reject the account registration.